Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Of Flux and Flow....

This has been a diversionary year thus far.  Events such as selling my home, searching for a new space (that I think we have finally found.. including an amazing studio space) Generously shared housing that has given me the most wonderful opportunity to be close to my sister and brother in law.  Exploring new creative spaces, and playing.  Excited for what is to come, sharing a space with my sweetheart, creating together, forming our nest and having the space to grow creatively and in spirit.

Below are some of my more recent play in fiber and metal that have kept my spirit dancing during this exciting & slightly precarious transitional time.

Felted wall hanging with bead-work 3'X3'

I had so much fun rediscovering Shrinky Dinks!  Fun to play with in a small space.
I have shared this with young members of my family as well as a very exciting project to share.
They just love watching them in the oven curling up and taking shape.

Metal class was much fun as always (going to be fun to have a metal shop at home soon!)
I made this aprox 3' dragon fly with rocks, gears from a bicycle, nuts,
marbles and plasma cut steel wings

I found this amazing chair at a junk store near work. It needed some repair and cleanup. 
I felted the upholstery fabric from some richly colored hand dyed merino wool.

More fun with shirnky dinks

Most recently I just completed this pine needle basket with an agate base and beads.