Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Having Landed....

I have exciting news.. The makers have landed!

We have moved and are  getting settled into our new home at a comfortable joyous measure. 

And...This place has a studio!! I am so stoked! It needs work and will probably be later spring before it is even a partially functioning fiber studio, but it already has some of my newest fiber passion drying on a table amongst boxes of tools and materials.

I am looking forward to planning this space, bringing in more light and having everything in place, accessible and usable. Excited to know soon I will have a work area to lay out projects, walk away and return to them over however long it takes, not needing to scoop up the this and thats for fear of cat attack or to create room for company, allowing this sweet counterpoint in my life to bloom.

My Sweetie has been amazing, fixing, repairing, splitting wood for the cold, shoveling snow, and being supportive while creating his own workspace and studio (yes there are two outbuildings morphing).  So thankful~ he who’s bright smile is fuel for my soul~

Reflecting on this transition, oh so worth the work, and  I cannot underestimate my gratitude for my family and friends support in our search for a place to call our home.  A warm cozy space in my sister and brother-in-law’s home, my sweet supportive friends and family who listened to me go from excited, to unsettled, to the edge of loosing hope and back around the loop over again.  Quoting Alexi Murdoch..”In your love is my salvation”…

And now to get to creating!

Some of my new work with botanical dyeing: